Friday 29 June 2012

Bubs the Bumblebee© stories-by Joyce Graham Fogwill  - 


Book 2. Bubs the Bumblebee and the Spider' Web by Joyce Graham Fogwill                                     

When disaster strikes their home, Bubs the Bumblebee and her family find a new garden to collect pollen and nectar, but they must avoid dangerous  predator spiders and their huge webs in this garden.
This book has many amazing colour photographs of spiders and their webs." I want to see more dragon spiders", said one awestruck 6 year old when he saw the photographs of spiders in this book

"I love the way you sneak in a life lesson at the end; this is the best kind of children's book.You have crafted an excellent piece here..Bravo"...Lisa

An introduction to the Bubs the Bumblebee stories

Bubs the Bumblebee children's nature stories by Joyce Graham Fogwill
Consultant in Children's Science Education 


The Bubs the Bumblebee© children's nature stories, with their beautiful colour photographs, introduce children to nature through the activities of bumblebees, other insects and spiders in the garden. The stories are educational, informational, and they encourage children to read, observe, ask questions and develop a better awareness of nature.

You may have seen these insects in the garden but have you ever watched their activities?
"I love to watch small, often overlooked interactions of insects and spiders in nature. These stories developed as  I observed and photographed  bumblebees and other insects in the garden". 
Young readers are encouraged to ask questions and seek more scientific information at the end of each story in the section entitled "Enquiring minds want to know more about" which aims to develop creative thinking skills in young readers.

The author, Joyce Graham Fogwill, is an amateur nature photographer and has graduate degrees in Science and Education.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Carnivorous plants feed on Insects

Bubs the Bumblebee© children's nature books by Joyce Graham Fogwill

Book 1. Bubs the Bumblee and her most unfortunate, fortunate adventure by Joyce Graham Fogwill
www.bubsthebumblebee.comBubs the Bumblebee is a happy, curious and mischievous Bumblebee who forages for pollen and nectar in gardens near her home. She disobeys the stern Queen Bee's warnings, wanders too far from home and gets trapped by an insect eating, carnivorous Pitcher plant
ISBN 978 -1-4490-5042-9

Article on Carnivorous plants by Joyce Graham Fogwill:

The Weird and Clever World of Carnivorous Plants by Joyce Graham Fogwill 

*  For advice on growing and maintaining Carnivorous plants contact:

Book 2: Bubs the Bumblebee and the Spider's Web by Joyce Graham Fogwill